Showing 6-10 of 16 items.

Passing Additional Parameters to a PHP Callback Function

Yii2 uses PHP callback functions in a number of classes such as their yii\grid\ActionColumn.

The ActionColumn buttons property implements a callback method but this is limited to the following parameters; $url, $model and $key.

So, what can we do if we want to pass another value to our function.

GridView Dynamic Pagination

When we use the yii\grid\GridView widget in our form, the default setting is to display 20 records per page.

This article looks at how we can provide an option for the user to specify the number of records to display per page.

Yii2 Sitemap Module

This article looks at how we can automatically create an XML sitemap for our Yii2 blogging website using himiklab/yii2-sitemap-module

Forking a Git Repository

This article looks at why and how to fork a Git repository.

Clear/Flush Yii2 Application Cache

Caching data can be a great method of speeding up your website performance. But there are times when the system is using stale data and you just need to give your web app a manual kick up the jacksie to resolve an issue.

This article looks at how you can create an action withing your web application to manually flush your cache.