How to Export Stashed Files in Git

I've just got back from holiday and I have some stashed code on my laptop (Windows) which I want to transfer to my PC (Ubuntu). I could commit the changes to my repro and then perform a pull on my second PC. But the best solution is to export the the changes to a differential file and the apply the changes on your second machine.

Installing PHP 7.x on Ubuntu 22.10 (Kinetic)

I have just installed Ubuntu Desktop 22.10 (code name Kinetic Kudu) on a laptop to develop a Yii2 website. But one of the requirements is to run all different flavours for PHP (PHP 7.4, 8.1 and 8.2). But when I attempted to add a repository and install the PHP modules I received a does not have a Release file message.

This article looks at how to fix this.

Passing Addition Variables to a PHP Anonymous functions

An anonymous function (also known as closures) can have additional parameters passed to them using the use clause

How to install and configure Samba on Ubuntu 18.04

This article walks you through installing and configuring a Samba share on a Ubuntu 18.04 Linux Server.

JQuery - How to update a HTML Dropdown Dynamically

This article looks at how you can change your HTML dropdown list dynamically.