If we type in the following command into an Ubuntu 22.10 terminal session:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php

We will see the following error:

E: The repository 'https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ondrej/php/ubuntu kinetic Release' does not have a Release file.

At the time of writing this atricle, the ondrej repository DOES NOT support Ubuntu 22.10 (code name kinetic). Hence the reference in the message to ubuntu kinetic Release.

The solution is very simple, first we edit the ondrej-ubuntu-php-kinetic.list file:

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ondrej-ubuntu-php-kinetic.list

And replace the word kinetic in the first line to read:

deb https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ondrej/php/ubuntu/ jammy main

Save the changes and update the system.

sudo apt update

Now you will be able to install other flavours of PHP:

sudo apt-get install php7.4-fpm php7.4-mysql